The National Park and Sewage Works (Group 4)

Category: EuroWater
Published: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 15:44
Written by Marina Cortés
Information about The National Park:
A National Park is a zone that is protected because there are a lot of animals and plants that are in dangerous situations.
The wadden is important as: 
The National Park is a very unique landscape, created by humans. The people let the nature go its own way. It was founded in 1986 and it is protected by a law. Everyone is welcome in the park, and you can find your own way on information boards. You can learn about your surroundings, so you can enjoy the nature without disturbing it.
The Tides:
The tidal flats are the areas covered by the sea at high tide and left exposed at low tide. The tidal flats make up two thirds of the Wadden Sea, at low tide, there is only a muddy desert.
In the water, there are lot of particles and lot of organic materials. There are lots of animals and plants living there. These animals eat the particles in the water and produce oxygen to the water. At the high tides, these animals can only survive for short periods. There are also birds who come and eat the animals in the water.
The tides are an important part of the National Park, and there are guided tours to visit it. 
Animals and plants:
In this park there are many animals and plants that are protected. The plants change in the season in water and in the land, and the plants are adaptetd to the temperature.  The beach and the sea are habits to the seals. There are 3 families: Eared seal, true seal and walruse, there are 35 types.
The plants always do what the sea does. When the sea gets cold, the plants get cold too. The plants adjust to the sea. The little animals eat the plants, and they would die, if there are no plants. In the sea there are 10 000 types of plants and animals. Even birds eat plants, but not from the sea but from the land. If they are flying to another place to survive, they stop at the islands and eat a lot of plants, so they have anough energy to fly to another place. In the North Sea, twice a day many plants are flooded by the sea.  
Little animals who clean the water:
Yesterday we saw little animals like Mussels & Lever spire shells.
The Lever spire shell is a very little animal and has the house with it (it´s a snail).
The people eat the Mussels for example the blue mussel. The mussels clean the water.
Both marine and freswater mussels are filter feeders: They feed on a plankton and others microscopic sea creatures which are freefloating in the seawater. The lugworm is living in the tube and he is eating sand, he filters out his food, after that he transports the sand to the ground, where it looks like spaghetti.
When people pollute the sea, many toxins accumulate the animals. These toxins damage the reproductive systems and weaken the animals immune systems. Toxins are very dangerous.
A further major problem for seals are abandoned fishing nets, in which the seals can become trapped or even drown. Other types of rubbish such as plastic and glass as well as oil spills can cause injuries to both seals and other animals in the sea. It is really important that people stop pollution and start taking care of the enviroment.
The Future:
We think that it´s important to go on with this project, because it´s necessary to protect all these sites, animals and plants that clean the water, because it´s dangerous for everybody if the water is dirty.
Written by Group 4: Sara, Mohamed, Marina, Jorge, Laura, Andreu, Maite, Fiete, Annabella, Pau, Edwin, Emma, Alejandro, Alex, Ivan, Maria, Andrés, Marius-Jannik, Michael and Rania.
The sewage works clean water because its good for sea´s live. If the water arrive dirty to the see, the fish and the plants die, and this is a problem for them. But if we use the sewage works the earth will better. The dirty water comes from the houses and factories, for example if you have a shower or a toilet, the water goes to the sewage works  so the water arrives to the sea.
2.-Our experience
First we went to the Sewage Works in Carolinensiel by bus.We were 20 students from Denmark, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.We wore T-shirts, wich were red.
When we arrived we walked arpound the Sewage Works.We saw many machines and we did an experiment.After that we went to a restaurant and ate pizza. At last we went to the "Waddensea- Museum" and then we went back home.