
Interviwe About Comparison

Interview about the comparison of water analysis between Valencian and European parameters.

This group has compared water analysis of different places in Valencia. They researched different parameters of water like nitrate, carbonate, pH, phosphate, nitrite and others.
The most significant thing was the high presence of Ammonium, Phosphate and Carbonate Hardness in some of the samples.

They saw the Ammonium, the Carbonate, the pH and the Phosphate are almost the same as the European parameters in some samples while in others they didn’t.

Other group has made the same project as the previous group. They have made graphics about the same parameters in drinking water, but this in Germany.
They found little differences between the different places where they had taken the samples, being close to the European indications.

Eurowater 2015

At Vestergaardsschool, Aarhus, Denmark, we have worked with a subject about water, where we among other things, analyzed and studied something about water. In biology classes we have talked about waterconsumption in denmark,  and learned somthing about aquatic environment, and the quantity of substances that may be in the water .We have tested this sample for nitrite , nitrate , phosephor and for the pH-value. We have for instance  been at the wastewater treatment plant,  where we have seen how the water is cleaned in denmark.
The last 2 years we did a research to water and what’s in the water at school. We did this in collaboration with some foreign schools(Germany, Denmark,Spain and Poland), which is fun. The foreign schools had taken water from their countries and we researched it at our school(which is Dollard College Oude Pekela). There were also some schools in November at our school. At our school we got water from 4 places(A canal and some lakes) and ofcourse the tap water. Surprisingly all the water from here was different, which I did not expect(except for the tap water).

Esuela2, Valencia,Spanien: A group of European schools have been working on a water project, we learn thing about it, it’s very important for our lives.
My school, “Escuela 2” worked on this for the last two years. Last year we learned how much water do you need to produce food, and the results were surprising.
You need too much. We also worked on the water analysis, how to do it. The organisation gave us a briefcase with chemical products to analyse it and when we did it we compared the results with the Europe recomendations. Also we learn how to take the water consumption in our house.
This year we still worked about water analysis and water consumption in our house. We went by bike to the Turia River to take samples of the water, also we took samples of tap water, swimming pools and ponds. We also had speakings of water and the importance of it. We also went to see how do they clean water to a purifying plant.

At the Friedrichgymnasium Altenburg in Germany we analyzed the water of regional waters and wrote the results down. We also visited the waterwork of Zeigerheim. One day we went to a water fair in Berlin to get some new informations. Everybody had to fill in a table over a  year showing how much water the family used. Some students prepared a fairytale with the message that water is very important for our life. Our class sold sandwiches at the school to collect money which goes to a social water project in africa.
In this two years we do a few research with water. We do a “water footprint” of our houses. We do a “table daily ‘’ ,‘’table monthly’’ and ’’table  yearly’’ .
We were thinking ‘’How we can save water ?’’
We were doing a research of water from lake ,river and pound , and later we were analyse differents parametes (nitrat ,phosphat ,iron, etc.).
We were learning a lot about water.
It was a really interesting and we are glad ,because we can be in project ‘’Eurowater”.

Quackenbrueck, Germany: In the last 2 years we make some water analysis to look how different the water quality in different european countries is. One  day we went  with our biology teacher to the small river Hase . He tells us there  something about the biotope Hase . After he tells uns about  this thing we take a water sample .  We have tested this sample for nitrite , nitrate , phosephor and for the pH-value . We make the analyse outside by the river .

At the KGS Wittmund in Germany we analysed water which comes from around Wittmund for example  water from the Harle, thats a small river from Adorf to Carolinensiel. We found out about the value of oxygen, nitrite, nitrate, iron, phosphate, ammonium, PH-value, hardness, aluminium, copper and chlorid in this water samples. In December 2014 we visit the dollard college in Pekela for the first time. There we analyzed water again but most of the work we did in our regulary lessons.

Our trip to Oude Pekela

First we have arrived in Altenburg at the train station at 9:20 a.m.. From there we have traveled with 5 trains to Winschoten. But this was not the end of the trip, because we had to go to the school in Oude Pekela by bus.

When we finally arrived, we got our rooms and build up our comfortable airbeds. Then we got a good selfmade food, a soup, an hamburger and also a pudding. After a funny and exiting night, we enjoyed our breakfast. Then we started for some events near the school.

At gymnasium De Binding we made country groups and took part of the march opening ceremony.

Here a few impressions:

At next we started a parade to the city center Oude Pekela.

In the Eurostadion the other students took part at different funny sport activities.

We worked at our project EuroWater very hard.


Oude Pekela

Programme Final Meeting
Wednesday, 3rd June 2015
1. 9.00 a.m. welcome ceremony
2. 10.00 a.m. meeting in school
 1. Presentation of the results of their homeschools
 2. Students present their final local report in a depictive manner and put their individual project reports into a            comprehensive form
 3. WORK in small groups with students and teachers.
 compare values in special groups (national and european)
 2 photograher take photos
 2 students make a video
 reporter and coreporter write the reports 
 webmaster and webmanager prepare the homepages for the schools and the homepage of committee europe in  international groups 
 4. 1.00 p.m. Lunch
 5. 2.00 p.m. presentation of all the results of this day
 6. any other business
 7. 6.00 p.m. freetime with hostfamilies
Thursday, 4th June 2015
 1. 9.00 a.m. welcome at school
     9.30 a.m. students and teachers work on making a movie and a final
 discussion about the results and work on the questions
 geography / differences of the nations
 drinking water and surface water
 watching the movies 
 cutting the movies of the different schools and the last sequence from Pekela to one movie
 reporters write the reports for the newspaper, homepages and the national agencys
 2. 1.00 p.m. Lunch
 3. 2.00 p.m. working on the tasks the same like in the morning
 4. 4.00 p.m. presentation all the results
 5. 5.00 p.m. freetime in hostfamilies
 6. 8.00 p.m. teachers dinner 
Friday, 5th June 2015
1. 9.00 a.m. welcome in school
2. 9.30 a.m. Meeting
 3. Make a resolution, presented and documented on film
 references for the European parliament to save the drinking water
 press articles are written
 put articles on all school homepages
 4. 4.00 p.m. meeting in the townhall: presentation of the resolution and the movie to the superintendent of the King
 5. 5.00 p.m. closing meeting at school 
 6. 6.00 p.m. snacks and gifts fort he students
Saturday, 6th June
FAMILY - DAY with fun and new friends
Sunday, 7th June 2015

Working on computers

The group of 8 webmanagers from 5 countries was working with computers for the wholes day. They have learned how to use an edit program and how to do a new article for committee europe website. They were putting the results of work from other gropus in to the web. 

Committee Europe 2013