In September 2013 we will start the new project "EuroWater 2013-2015".
The students participating in this European Exchange Program are going to face and prepare themselves with the issue “Water – the No. 1 provision for Europe” by checking up on the effectivity of jural obligations, quality standards, and monitoring and safeguarding measures inside the European Union as published in the “EU directive on the quality of water for human supply”, published by the European Council on November 1998, No. 98/83/EG. You can get this information in different languages.
Our day-to-day lives increasingly depend on our ability to manipulate natural resources in a way that prevents long-term or irreversible damage. Regarding a right attitude towards the environment, it is not enough to be zonal or national, but is necessary to be global. The goal of this project is to achieve a major step towards building a common attitude in European schools regarding environmental education. That what we'll hope to find out and achieve with our common project is the opportunity as students and teachers from partner schools:
- take a look at their community and analyze what is happening regarding the management of water quality
- compare specific problems and solutions from different European areas
- identify different attitudes and effective solutions
- share learning experiences
- participate in learning and research activities carried out in international cooperation
- experiment current research techniques
- draw conclusions and a common ecological view
- disseminate, in local and European community, their observations and conclusions
- send - to local and European makers - signals which can be exploited in decisions on environmental protection and environmental education.
In December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation (Resolution A/RES/65/154).
Information showing how sensitive the issue is to be found in the study "Current state and future challenges of European's Waters" from the European Parliament.
On the event "EuroPAXket 2013" in Quakenbrück you will get more informations ...