

Country: Name of School: Town:


Liceum Ogólnokształcące Dobre Miasto
Poland   Map


Description of the Polish Group visiting Wittmund in the Project "EuroWater":

Our national group is not large. It consists of six people and the project supervisor. We know one another well, we like one another and can work together.
Kasia is a crazy person, who likes anime movies and ia a fan of the "Sherlock" series.
Agata has interesting ideas, she does well in every situation. She likes good movies.
Iza is intelligent, she likes German language. She loves animals.
Daniel is easy to make friends with. He likes football.
Arek is calm but he often has surprising ideas. He likes anime movies.
Ilona is calm, intelligent, she poorly copes skill games but she tries to pass them. She likes animals and German language.
The supervisor of the project is Mrs. Anna Osiak. She has a positive attitude to other people, always willing to listen to us and to assist us.
We expect that we will learn much about the ecosystems in water reservoirs and the water management in many countries. We hope that during the project we will meet interesting people, improve German language and learn about the culture of other countries. We want to have a good time.


Committee Europe 2013