
Presentation of the Danish Group

Our national group consists of 5 people, and our supervisor. We all work great together, and have a lot of fun together.

Erkan is a very calm person. He plays a lot of soccer, and is a big Manchester City fan. He likes rap music.

Nicklas is an energetic guy with a great fantasy. He spends a lot of time with computers, both making videos and playing pc games.

Abdellah is a very hard worker, who really takes his tasks seriously, but he is still fun too work with and be around. He is also a big soccer fan.

Maher is always positiv, and he laughs all the time. He has a lot of crazy ideas, and a great fantasy. Maher knows many forms of martial arts, and loves japanese culture. He is also very good at speaking German.

Emil is a focused person, who fights to do well in every thing he does, from soccer to schoolwork. He is calm, patient and ambitious. He loves almost every kind of music, and plays drums.

Our supervisor is good at making us work,and helping us with our work. Also he has a positiv attitude and great humor.

We expect to learn a lot about the water management all over the world, and the huge issues concerning water.

We hope to make new friends from different countries, and learn about different cultures.

We expect to have a blast of a time, and have fun through all of the trip.

Committee Europe 2013