The preparatory meeting was a real success
- Details
- Category: News
- Published: Wednesday, 20 March 2013 19:16
- Written by Hector-Xavier Salvo

The preparatory meeting took place in València from the 18th to the 21st of November and the evaluation seems to be really positive from the opinions of organizers, hosts and guests. The participating teachers agreed upon the proposal of the work project for the school year, the programme of the May encounter and the perspective of future events among many other subjects. Besides, they enjoyed a complete cultural and educational programme of activities, including a visit to l'Albufera, a national park in the area of València, a great humour show offered by the Total Theatre Workshop Group at escolagavina and the participation in a farewell party-show at Escuela 2, among many other. Some of the images which illustrate the hard work as well as the joy of the participants can be seen below.
You can also download here some of the documents used in the meeting:
Presentation of Eurohumour 2011. Contains main and complementary tasks, deadlines and instructions.
LLP presentation. Document about European Programmes, by Tamar Shuali
Committee Europe General Presentation. A power point document containing the main lines of information about Committee Europe: principles, members, history, structure, perspectives...
Here a link to more pictures on Picasa.