
Valencia and the Region around

Here you can find some informations about Valencia and the region around EuroHumour in several languages. This informations are linked to Wikipedia, the great Encyclopedia in the Internet.

Valencia  greatbriten spain valencian germany netherlands denmark france portugal



The Hemispheric at the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias) by Santiago Calatrava, Valencia, Spain


Valencian Community  greatbriten spain valencian germany netherlands denmark france


Valencia Community

 The map of Valencian Community, the region at the east coast of Spain


Comarques  greatbriten spain valencian germany france


Comarques of the Valencian Community
 Homologous territorial demarcations according to the Generalitat Valenciana


Albufera  greatbriten spain valencian netherlands france portugal


 Parque Natural de la Albufera




Committee Europe 2013