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Liceum Ogólnokształcące


Country: Name of School: Town:


Liceum Ogólnokształcące Dobre Miasto
Poland   Map


Description of the Polish Group visiting Wittmund in the Project "EuroWater":

Our national group is not large. It consists of six people and the project supervisor. We know one another well, we like one another and can work together.
Kasia is a crazy person, who likes anime movies and ia a fan of the "Sherlock" series.
Agata has interesting ideas, she does well in every situation. She likes good movies.
Iza is intelligent, she likes German language. She loves animals.
Daniel is easy to make friends with. He likes football.
Arek is calm but he often has surprising ideas. He likes anime movies.
Ilona is calm, intelligent, she poorly copes skill games but she tries to pass them. She likes animals and German language.
The supervisor of the project is Mrs. Anna Osiak. She has a positive attitude to other people, always willing to listen to us and to assist us.
We expect that we will learn much about the ecosystems in water reservoirs and the water management in many countries. We hope that during the project we will meet interesting people, improve German language and learn about the culture of other countries. We want to have a good time.



Country: Name of School: Town:


Denmark   Map




ArosWith about 300.000 inhabitants is Aarhus Denmark’s second largest city
In Aarhus you find one of Northern Europe’s biggest museums Aros.

In Aarhus can you also find the castle of Marselisborg, which is the summer residence of Queen Margrethe.
Except from that you also find: Aarhus Cathedral, the Music house, Aarhus theatre, Bruuns galleri and the town hall. Aarhus has also one of Denmark’s biggest harbours.
Aarhus has the football team AGF, which we can’t boast of, but it doesn’t keep the fans away. 
Vestergaardsskolen lays in Viby, which is a suburb to Aarhus.

There are 500-600 students and they are 5-17 years old.
There are 80 teachers in our school.
The school is 55 years old, and it is in Viby close to Aarhus.




KGS Grossefehn

Country: Name of School: Town:


Germany Map



KGS Grossefehn


Colegio Juan Comenius

Country: Name of School: Town:


Spain Map 







Country: Name of School: Town:


Germany Map



Our Group of Students Friedrichgymnasium

Our Group of Students Friedrichgymnasium, Geraer Str. 33, 04600 Altenburg



Escuela 2

Country: Name of School: Town:


Escuela 2 Valencia
Spain Map 




There are 340 students in our school, aged from 3 to 16. We were founded in 1983 and we are also a cooperative formed by 32 members, teachers and service staff.

phot0028Escuela2 was born, as an alternative answer to the traditional hegemonic school methodology. Our school is placed in La Cañada, a residential area in Paterna town, which is about 10 km far from Valencia city centre.

We are an inclusive school, this means that we have always had different kinds of students, so we also count with special need students integrated in the ordinary classrooms. Nowadays we have two integrative and two specific units. 

We believe in how important is to be involved with our environment and our world, and we participate in different local and collective projects. (Programa de Compensación Municipal) and  as far as internacional projects are concern, we participate each year event of  "Comité Europa".

falla39We also have two exchanges with Portugal and France, and several virtual with Estonia and Italy.

We are also very concern about the importance of the cmc tools and the new Technologies applied to education, in consequence, we have participated in an interactive whiteboard experimental Promethean project and last year  we were awarded  with the 1st Blog Prize from the Valencian University, with our BLOGESO project. This year we just got the 3rd prize to innovative librarian prizes from the Spanish Education bureau.

In conclusion, we may say that one of our main objectives has been, the development of the Word as a means of meaning and  knowledge…..and we are also a mixture from different referents, …… the use of Rodari fantasy, …Piaget´s principles, …the efforts of Makarenko, the proposals of Montessori or the ideas of Nelly,…… Freire´s vision, or Vigotsky apportations  ………always regarding  the emotional intelligence, as much as the significative, the relevant and the collaborative learning.       




Country: Name of School: Town:


Valencian Country   Map


Description of the Group partcipating in the Project "EuroWater" in Wittmund:

We aren't just one school from Valencia, in the Valencian Country, but as reporter, I'm talking about my school, because we don't know about the other schools.

Our national group is a big one, we are aproximately, 27 people of our class flying to Germany next month.

We started doing our tasks at the begining of the school year, and we are doing them yet. It's true that some people is a little bit slow with the tasks, but we are very excited with the project.

We are travelling with two teachers, our main teacher, Encarna Coret, and our English, teacher Hector Slavo, who is also in the Comittee Europe with important tasks.

Both of our teachers are doing their best in this project, and they want us to do our best too.

We hope this will be a great experience to learn lot of things, to meet new people and to improve our English.


Description od School:

escolagavina  is a colourful island.  Despite dull reality around, it's a piece of imagination, creativity, culture, respect, common sense and shared feelings. A moving island, impulsed to the future by the present energy of parents, students, teachers and staff, under the flag of learning together. Space and time to help people grow up in a wide sense.  Experiences that lead students to a whole formation in human values, habits and knowledge.  Space and time to live together and make students feel the curiosity for learning, to help them to develop social and intellectual competences in cooperation with their mates and their teachers. Time and space to take them to the top of their potential competences.

escolagavina has been, since 1975, an education cooperative, formed essentially by teachers and administration and services staff, that shares an educational project with the students’ families. Nowadays it is a small school of three hundred and fifty students, from 3 to 16 years old, however it’s a centre of reference in Valencian Educational world. The educational work focuses on the development of the students’ personality within the axes of an open and critical attitude.  Those aspects, together with innovation, experimentation, work, learner-centred methodology, internationality, permanent communication, friendship… make escolagavina
’s identity card.  This centre keeps thorough compromise with the fight for the survival of Catalan language & culture in Valencian Country.


Dollard College


Country: Name of School: Town:


Dollard College Oude Pekela
Netherlands   Map



Dollard College in Oude Pekela

The last event was EuroRevue in Oude Pekela.




Country: Name of School: Town:


Solbjergskolen Aarhus
Denmark   Map



Kærgårdsvej 4
8355 Solbjerg

Phone.: 8713 6090
Fax: 8713 6121

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas


Country: Name of School: Town:


Colegiul National 'Calistrat Hogas'
Romania  Map 





 str. Alexandru cel Bun, nr. 19, cod poştal 610004, Piatra-Neamţ

Eurohumour 2011 preparatory activities - images:

General presentation
Piatra Neamt is a small mountain town, located in north-east of Romania, in a area famous for its numerous monasteries.



    “Calistrat Hogas” National College Piatra Neamt was founded in September 1910 as a private school for girls. During this school year, we celebrate the centenary of our school.




The high school obtained an important tradition in foreign languages and humanists discipline studies, a fact which attracted many students and lead the high school to combine the modern with the traditional.

 Now, the high school have 28 classes, starting with the 5th grade and ending up with 12th grade, having around 800 students, between 11 - 19 years old.




In high school there are many sections, as: philology, bilingual - English intensive, social sciences, mathematics-informatics English intensive, mathematics-informatics and natural sciences.




The high school is named after Calistrat Hogas writer. 



Committee Europe 2013